FileCheckMD5 is a simple tool to test the integrity of files in a folder. The first step is to create a checkfile. Click the Make Checkfile tab. The first button here allows you to select the folder that will be scanned. Once you have your folder selected, click GO. The folder will be scanned recursively so that all files in subfolders will also be able to be tested. The scanning process calculates an MD5 sum for each file and will save these values in a file (FCMD5-sums.MD5) in the folder you selected. How long this takes depends on how many files are being scanned and the speed of your computer. Once an MD5 checkfile is created, you should leave it where it is saved. You can then copy the FileCheckMD5.exe program file to the same location so that someone can easily test the integrity of the files. For example, suppose you are about to burn a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM and want to be able to determine if a disc is defective after it has been burned or mass-produced. If your files and folders for the CD-ROM are located in C:\temp\cds\new-cd\, you would select this folder for making a checkfile with FileCheckMD5. FileCheckMD5 will save the filecheck data file in C:\temp\cds\new-cd\. If you like, you can copy the FileCheckMD5.exe program file there too. Now burn your CD. Now the CD should have the FileCheckMD5.exe and FCMD5-sums.MD5 in the root folder. Running FileCheckMD5 and testing the FCMd5-sums.MD5 should allow someone to quickly determine of the CD-ROM is defective. Testing is easy. Select the "Check files" tab and then click "Open Checkfile..." and find the .MD5 file you want to test. The files' MD5 sums will be compared. If the files have changed (such as if there was data corruption), the test will show that the MD5 sums do not match. INSTALLATION: FileCheckMD5 does not come with an installer. Just put the FileCheckMD5.exe file where you need it and run it from there. ©2003 Brandon Staggs, all rights reserved. FileCheckMD5 may be freely used and copied but may not be sold. You may place FileCheckMD5.exe on commercial CDs for the purpose of testing the integrity of the CD. Please note that FileCheckMD5 was designed specifically for my needs and has not been tested on a wide variety of platforms or situations. You are welcome to use it (it's totally free of charge), but is provided AS IS. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER ALL REASONABLE STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT THIS SOFTWARE IS SAFE TO USE. HOWEVER, THIS SOFTWARE AND ONLINE MANUAL ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM.